Studio Partnership


CUA10120 CERTIFICATE I IN Dance (for ages 12+)

CUA20120 CERTIFICATE II IN Dance (for ages 13+)

CUA30120 CERTIFICATE III IN Dance (for ages 14+)

CUA30320 CERTIFICATE III IN Assistant Dance Teaching (for ages 14+)


CUA40320 CERTIFICATE IV IN Dance Teaching and ManagementT*

CUA40520 CERTIFICATE IV of Music Theatre

CUA51520 DIPLOMA of Professional Dance (Elite Performance)*

CUA50220 DIPLOMA of Music Theatre*

*available upon application only

Becoming a AMPLIFy partnered studio means that you get full ownership of how you wish your National Qualification program to run. This gives you complete creative licence to maximise your programs, to market yourself as a branch of Empowerdance and to deliver the units of your choosing.

To fit the National Standards you must have a staff member that holds a current Certificate IV in TAE40116 and a team of suitably qualified teachers to be able to deliver our National Qualifications. You get to choose how your course is run, and also create and define your delivery method. As a business model, you pay a yearly fee, and a per student fee. You then invoice your students on top of your current fees and charges to ensure you have a new stream of income from your partnership with us.

Become an Empowerdance Partner and have access to:

- All marketing templates, all start up support, continued support 7 days a week, all assessment materials, Online portal access (set up - support - assessors - students)

- 2 day face to face compliance Summit, 2 hour annual site compliance check of your studio, business building strategy sessions

- Access to resources, reporting and regulatory services

- Staff support | governance| troubleshooting| all assessment quality checks

- Full freedom of delivery methods and content and complete choice of elective units

- Reporting requirements to ASQA & AVETMISS

- Guidance around all competencies, your clients, business practices, delivery & assessment practices, training & assessment strategies

To be an Empowerdance partner you must:

-  Have a staff member who holds the current TAE40116

-  Hold WWC and First Aid currency

-  Attend the annual Empowerdance compliance summit

-  Sign and agree to the terms and conditions of the yearly auspice agreement

-  Commit to providing an excellent student experience

-  Commit to the completion of your students course

-  Have the ability to pay all accounts on time

-  Have a studio space that is deemed compliant