Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses the extent to which an individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of, a qualification prior to commencing a course of study.
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Empowerdance Pty Ltd is committed to providing clear, streamlined and supported RPL processes to its students.
This policy applies to all students accepted into the courses within the scope of registration of Empowerdance Pty Ltd.
Limits on recognition
For existing students RPL may be granted for up to 6 units of competence
For previous students RPL may be granted for the full qualification
The Director of Empowerdance Pty Ltd is responsible for ensuring that guidelines, systems and procedures in relation to RPL are developed, implemented and complied with.
RPL is one way to have current skills and knowledge assessed by an RTO to see if they meet current industry standards. RPL assessment recognises skills and knowledge, no matter how, when or where the learning occurred.
Skills to be considered for recognition may have been gained through:
formal or informal training and education
work skills or knowledge
general life experience
RPL could provide a full or part qualification to Empowerdance Pty Ltd students, thus avoiding duplication of training. It can also be used to identify what training is needed to complete a qualification, or provide a pathway to higher qualifications.
The main focus is on the learning outcomes of these experiences, not the “how, when and where” learning occurred. Some persons applying to attend a Empowerdance Pty Ltd training course may already be competent in one or more of the learning outcomes and should therefore be given the opportunity to apply for RPL.
RPL assessment is evidenced based and must build on the experiences and individual learning of a student. Assessment methods should be fair and flexible taking into account background, culture, choices and learning needs of the student. Professional judgement of the assessor will generate authentic, consistent, sufficient, valid and reliable evidence and ensure that RPL is a collaborative decision making process.
Information provided to students
Information provided to students will clearly outline what is expected of a student before, during and at the end of the process. When a student enquires about RPL they will be given:
clear, succinct information about the process – verbally and in writing
information about cost and ‘student or workplace’ policies
a person to talk to and contact for further enquiries (e.g. central point of contact or RPL Coordinator)
relevant policies, procedures, fact sheets and application forms
guidance in relation to methods of assessment and the best way to generate evidence
on-going support and encouragement
feedback throughout the process from the assessor
grievance and appeal mechanisms
While students will need to provide some documented evidence to support their claim for recognition, other ways of demonstrating competence might include:
Practical demonstrations
supplementary assessment tasks or challenge test (oral, written or practical)
assessment where no training is involved
Work samples
Competency conversations
Students who are considering applying for RPL will need to contact the Director of Empowerdance Pty Ltd in the first instance. The Director will provide advice to students about the process.
To apply for RPL students will need to complete the RPL form and provide supporting evidence.
The following process shall apply:
Submit a current and completed Training Form (and required documentation) to the Director of Empowerdance Pty Ltd
The Director shall refer the application to the appropriate course supervisor for assessment
The course supervisor shall undertake the assessment process, in collaboration with the student and record their findings
The course supervisor will return the application and assessment to the Director for consideration
The Director will advise each applicant about the results of their application
The Director will arrange for all successful results to be recorded on the Student Records Database
Students who have had applications refused may submit a report in writing direct to the Director requesting a review of their application
The National Framework covers advanced standing obtained on the basis of formal recognition arrangements within the relevant awards for the Recognition of Training (NFROT). Empowerdance Pty LtdRPL policy is based on the following five principles, which are consistent with the national principles for RPL:
Principle 1 – Competence
RPL shall focus on the competencies held as a result of both formal and informal training and experience, not how, when or where the learning occurred.
Assessment procedures will provide for the recognition of knowledge, skills and competencies that have been acquired through formal and informal training and through experience gained on the job.
Principle 2 – Commitment
RPL underpins a system of competency-based training: training providers must have a demonstrated commitment to recognising the prior learning of adults.
The recognition of prior learning will focus on the individual and ensure that individuals will not have to spend unnecessary time in gaining formal RPL.
Empowerdance Pty LtdRTO will adopt processes for RPL that recognise previous formal and informal training and work and/or life experiences.
Empowerdance Pty LtdRTO will recognise the AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment awarded by other RTO’s.
Principle 3 – Access
RPL shall be available to all potential applicants.
RPL will be available to all applicants of courses delivered by Empowerdance Pty LtdRTO and all students will be informed of the process at their initial interview and at enrolment
Principle 4 – Fairness
RPL shall involve processes that are fair to all parties involved.
Every applicant may have his or her competencies recognised and be confident that the processes are fair. The processes will provide for review and appeal mechanisms
Principle 5 – Support
RPL shall involve the provision of adequate support to potential applicants.
All applicants will be informed about the RPL process; support personnel may assist applicants prepare their documentation, if required
Stages and TasksNotesInformation/ Application Stage
Enquiries about RPL
Make RPL documents available
Information/ application form
Provide students with information and advice about possible assessment methods based on evidence that each student might supply and the sort of evidence One on One will consider; point out information on first page of RPL Information/ Application Form
Provide information about appeal mechanism
Answer any questions and offer support, if required
RTO Manager or Training Coordinator; (Qualified Trainers and Assessors) to conduct
Students should be given sufficient information to enable them to prepare their evidence to meet the standards required for the RPL assessment to take place
Assessment Stage
Received application and evidence passed onto assessor to deal with, based on risk management procedure
Establish the purpose of the Assessment
What outcome is the student looking to achieve? eg. what course is involved
what areas of the course does the student think they have already covered?
View all evidence submitted: decide what are formal and non-formal forms of evidence
Does Credit Transfer apply? **see notes opposite
Check supplied evidence for currency and authenticity. (Check dates & sight original documents; ring appropriate people for verification,)
Map evidence submitted to Units of Competency for which RPL is sought:
Determine sufficiency: ie. is the supplied
evidence enough to determine competency?
Identify what other methods are required? (based on the needs and capability of the student; **see notes opposite “RPL”)
Arrange meeting to discuss further evidence required, if necessary, eg. theory and/or oral assessment and practical demonstration
Answer any questions and offer support, if required
Credit Transfer:
Sight “Original” Qualifications or Statement(s) of Attainment. (Make copies to retain in Student file)
Check RTO Number and verify on NTIS site
Ring RTO to check authenticity of document; quote parchment number & student’s details
Map supplied qualifications and/or Statement(s) of Attainment against those related to the applicable Mitcham Dance/Gravity Dance StudioCourse
Once purpose/ outcome is identified, identify evidence required and appropriate evidence gathering methods for each student
Assessment process should be based on individual student needs and ability, eg. Literacy levels, cultural background, educational background and relevant experiences
Depending on what evidence each student provides, the RPL assessment should provide a range of ways a student can demonstrate that she has met the identified & required outcomes
Examples of Evidence: (any combination)
portfolio of evidence that relates to past learning that is relevant to the competency outcomes of the current course
examples of the students work, eg. Photographs
References from previous employers; they should provide information about validation, and not be a recommendation. (*must also be on an official company letterhead and signed by appropriate person)
Certificates from internal and/or external courses undertaken
Awards; eg. prizes or certificates
Resume showing practical experience and duties performed
Performance appraisal from previous and/or current employers (*must also be on an official company letterhead and signed by appropriate person)
Performance testing on site at Mitcham Dance/Gravity Dance Studio: ie. direct observation of demonstration of skill and competence utilising salon equipment
Participation in actual assessment process utilising Mitcham Dance/Gravity Dance Studioassessment tools; oral and/or theory, and practical
Determination , Record & Review Stage Continued over page
Make decision based on all evidence:
Determine to what extent credit will be awarded against any qualification or units or part there of
Determine “gap” between credit awarded (in whatever relevant form ie. Credit Transfer or RPL) and any exemptions that will occur for the Mitcham Dance/Gravity Dance Studio Course to be undertaken
Complete assessors’ report:
File all assessment documents (incl. copies of applicable documents) in student’s file
record results in student file
Inform student of result and remind about Appeal mechanism
Support offered to compile suitable Training Plan
Seek feedback of RPL process
Unsuccessful applicants have a right to formally appeal the RPL assessment, through the grievance process.
Empowerdance Pty Ltdhas developed appropriate methods for managing complaints related to the RPL assessment process. The appeal process is similar to the process for handling Students’ complaints.
Where appeals in relation to the process are not resolved internally or through the services of a third party mediator, the applicant may seek advice from the Australian Council for Private Education & Training, stating the grounds of the appeal. Contact should be made to:
Australian Council for Private Education & Training
ACPET (South Australia)
“Carrington House” 61-63 Carrington Street
Adelaide SA 5000
( 82370509
Empowerdance Pty Ltd will ensure that adequate records of the assessment process are maintained. These records should be kept for a period of three years from the date of assessment and include details of the types of evidence provided and reasons for the decision to grant/not grant RPL status.
All information gathered for each participant should be complete and readily available in case of an appeal. In addition, Empowerdance Pty Ltd will keep information on the number of RPL processes undertaken.
The RPL process and outcomes will be reviewed and discussed at annual Advisory Group meetings and improvements, where necessary, will be made. They will be recorded in the Communications Book and all assessment personnel who roll out the RPL process, must sign off in relation to any changes and/or improvements made to the process. Superseded versions will be archived, and the Register of RTO Policies & Procedures and the Register of RTO Forms will be updated, as necessary.
Empowerdance Pty Ltd