Record Keeping Policy
Empowerdance Pty Ltd keeps complete and accurate records of the attendance and progress of students, as well as financial records that reflect all payments and charges and the balance due, and will provide copies of these records to students on request.
Empowerdance Pty Ltd must maintain a record of all qualifications issued and will notify the Quality Directorate quarterly, of any qualifications issued under its authority.
The notification must include the following information:
Full name of Student
Student identity number
Name of Qualification
Date on which requirements for the qualification were achieved
It is the responsibility of the Administration Officer to produce a record of all qualifications issued by Empowerdance Pty Ltd, thus meeting all requirements of the Client Qualifications Register (CQR) as stated by the Department of Further education, Employment, Science & Technology (DFEEST), SA.
Details of any qualifications or Record(s) of Results issued will be reported to ASQA via the use of Student Management SystemSTELA (using confidential password access, as granted by the Department).
To satisfy the AVETMISS recording requirements, Empowerdance Pty Ltd will record all student data electronically, utilising the STELA Recording System.
Student Records
Empowerdance Pty Ltd will maintain student records both electronically and on manual filing systems.
These records are secured by lock and key and kept by the RTO Administration Officer
To maintain security and confidentially, electronic records are password protected with back up files, which are made regularly and stored off-site in case of fire or other misadventure
Protection of Student Records
Empowerdance Pty Ltd has a policy that student records will be protected using appropriate software and copied on a removable USB drive. Standard procedure will include the USB to be taken off site at the close of business each day by the RTO Manager.
In regard to manual systems and student records, the Administration Officer keeps these in locked filing cabinets contained in locked areas, with access available to this person only.
Files will be archived after review, at the end of every calendar year.
Backup Data
Electronic computer backups will be created automatically using the “backup” or “second copy” software that will copy data daily to another computer connected to the network. Also an automatic back up copy will be created on a USB and removed from the premises each night.
Documentary Record Keeping
Empowerdance Pty Ltd has the following student record keeping disciplines:
Unique Student Identifiers (USI)
Student Files
RPL Associated Information (if applicable)
Client Related Information
Qualifications Issued
Students files are maintained for thirty years, and only the RTO Administrator and authorised staff have access to these records.
Empowerdance Pty Ltd