Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct
The development and maintenance of professional standards is central to the professional development of students within Empowerdance Pty Ltd. Ethical and professional behaviour is the responsibility of all students. In order to assist students to recognise and act upon their responsibilities this code of conduct has been developed. The code has been developed by students and serves to guide behaviour and identify their responsibilities to themselves, other students and staff within Empowerdance Pty Ltd.
In fulfilling their obligations students must:
Recognise that Empowerdance Pty Ltd is a learning institution
Accept that they are primarily responsible for their own learning
Accept that they are accountable for their own behaviour, conduct and academic performance
Recognise that staff members are instructors and assessors of performance and that a professional relationship always underpins interactions with both staff and other students
Behave ethically by demonstrating integrity and honesty in dealings with other students and staff and accepting that such behaviour is everyone’s responsibility
Promote self-esteem and tolerance of diversity by contributing to a harassment free learning environment through their dealings with other students
Recognise individual differences of other students and acknowledge the contribution that these differences make to their learning
Demonstrate a commitment to professional development by completing all tasks and maintaining and extending their professional competencies
Furthermore, for all Elevate classes, all students must adhere to the following:
Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of all classes
Students must log in with the correct name to their Zoom classes
Students must have their name marked off the role within 5 minutes of class commencing or an absent will appear against their name
Students must arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the start of practical class for warm-up and class preparations
Students should present themselves for class in neat and respectful attire
Students are permitted to snack during Zoom classes, provided they are promoting healthy eating habits and are still able to engage in the class content
Empowerdance Pty Ltd does not stock provisions of student stationery
Attending appointments during class time will not be accepted
Students with previous injury history must notify the director of Empowerdance Pty Ltd prior to the commencement of any course
Students presenting an injury during a class must report it to the responsible teacher and then an office staff member
It is the policy of Empowerdance Pty Ltd for students to refrain from forming any relationship with staff members. Relationship refers to individual friendships, facebook or other social network connections, and intimate relations. Students may be set up in a group conversation with their trainer via social media platforms, with permission from the Empowerdance Pty Ltd director.
Students must show respect to their peers and all Empowerdance Pty Ltd staff at all times
Empowerdance Pty Ltd is an environment for those committed to developing dance in a safe space. Therefore, Empowerdance Pty Ltd will not tolerate the following:
Gossip about opposing studios or teachers
Gossip about any staff member or student
Bullying or harassment of any staff member or student